TSC Salary & Allowances For Teachers From C2, C3, C4 and C5 job groups .
Teachers salary allowances C2 C3 C4 C5, The earning that is paid in terms of Basic Salary and Allowances normally vary.
As guided by TSC,every teacher hired by the commission on a permanent and pension basis is eligible for the following benefits paid monthly.
- Monthly Commuter Allowance that is Paid to all teachers to cater for transport/ movement to and from work.
- monthly disability Guide Allowance which is paid to teachers working with alternative needs deployed to work in government schools
- The Annual/ yearly leave Allowance ,money paid to all teachers normally at the beginning of the year.
- Monthly house Allowance which caters for the rental charges that all teachers pay where they live.
- Monthly Hardship Allowance only paid to teachers working in hardship areas.
- Monthly Medical benefits that is used to cater for expenses for all teachers.
- Transfer Allowance normally paid to teachers on transfer at a rate of one month’s Basic Salary.
Transfer allowance is paid subject to subject to the provisions of Regulation of the CORT
A part from these allowances, TSC normally pays teachers a number of annual salary increment based on job group.
Comprehensive Teachers’ Basic Salary.
- C2 at point 7 minimum sh34,955 maximum sh 43,694 6
- C3 at 8 minimum sh 43,154 maximum sh 53,943 6
- C4 at point 9 minimum sh 52,308 maximum sh 65,385 7
- C5 at point 10 minimum sh 62,272 maximum sh 77,840 7
Here is the Teacher Monthly Commuter Allowance based on grade C2 at point 7 sh 5,000
- C3 at point 8 sh 6,000
- C4 at 9 sh 8,000
- C5 at point 10 sh 8,000
- C2 at point 7 sh 20,000
- C3 at point 8 sh 20,000
- C4 at point 9 sh 20,000
- C5 at point 10 sh 20,000
- C2 at point 7 sh 6,000
- C3 at point 8 sh 6,000
- C4 at point 9 sh 6,000
- C5 at point 10 sh 6,000
House 1, house 2, house 3 are for the various cities and municipalities as house 4 is for all other areas .
H1. H2. H3. H4
- C2 7 sh 16,500 sh12,800 sh 9,600 sh7,500
- C3 8 28,000 22,000 16,500 13,000
- C4 9 28,000 22,000 16,500 13,000
- C5 10 35,000 25,500 18,000 15,400
This is also paid depending on the grade and salary notches
- C2 at point 7 sh 10,900
- C3 at point 8 sh 12,300
- C4 at point 9 sh 14,650
- C5 at point 10 sh 17,100
Teachers salary allowances C2 C3 C4 C5
TSC Salary & Allowances For Teachers From C2, C3, C4 and C5 job groups .
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