TSC Releases New Teachers Grading System & Job Titles 2024.
Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) have a crucial role in molding a nation’s future and fall under various job titles and salary scales provided under the new grading system for teachers.
Below is a clear view of the different job titles and salary scales for Kenyan teachers as well as their duties and compensation for each job group.
Appointment as Chief Principals serving Under TSC Grade D5 (T-Scale 15)
This position is the highest-ranking educational administrator who is responsible for overseeing the overall operation of an institution.
Senior Principal Under serving under TSC Grade D4 (T-Scale 14)
This role is the second in command after the Chief Principal as it involves managing a large school or institution.
Principal Under TSC serving under Grade D3 (T-Scale 13)
This is where most school heads belong.
They are responsible for academic and administrative leadership.
Deputy Principal I serving Under TSC Grade D3 ( T-Scale 13)
Teachers in this position assist the Principal in various capacities and oversees academic departments.
Deputy Principal II Under TSC under Grade D2 (T-Scale 12)
These are the Principal and Deputy Principal I, majorly focusing on school management and discipline.
Senior Master I / Senior Lecturer I under TSC under Grade D1 ( T-Scale 11)
This is high-ranking academic position, involving curriculum development and teaching.
Senior Master II Under TSC under Grade C5 (T-Scale 10)
These are teachers whose duties include curriculum development, teaching, and other administrative tasks.
The Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher I, Curriculum Support Officer II under TSC under Grade C4 (T-Scale 9)
The above category encompasses various educators and administrators with responsibilities ranging from teaching to school management.
Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I or SNE Teacher I, Primary Under TSC under Grade C3 (T-Scale 8)
This include teachers teaching at different levels.
The position could involve educators specializing in special needs education (SNE).
The designation includes positions such as Secondary Teacher II, the SNE Teacher II
Primary Teacher, Lecturer II, or Senior Teacher II under Grade C2 (T-Scale 7).
These teachers are assigned roles encompass educators with diverse responsibilities,they often centered around classroom instruction.
Teacher individuals in these positions may also serve in tertiary education institutions.
These categories cover Secondary Teacher III, Primary Teacher I, or Primary Teacher II under the TSC grading system Grade C1 (T-Scale 6).
These roles also represent the initial positions for educators.
These teachers are geared towards primary teachers who engage with younger students.
The secondary teachers typically handle a range of subjects.
TSC Releases New Teachers Grading System & Job Titles 2024.
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